This Country Bans Cockfighting But Lets Other Animal Abuse Continue

The state of Veracruz, Mexico, tried to overturn the ban on cockfighting. Luckily, the Mexican Supreme Court decreed it as legal and constitutional, keeping the ban in place and saving countless roosters the abuse and suffering they would have had to face.

In 2016, Mexico banned the Kots Kaal Pato, where ducks and small mammals including armadillos and possums were hung like piñatas and bludgeoned to death.

This is great.

But what about other situations in which animals are mistreated, abused and tortured for human entertainment? What about horse racing, horse goring and bull fighting?

These traditions should be ended all together, not year after gruelling year. Why are some animals saved and others murdered for no other reason than our selfish nature? Every year hundreds of animals are slowly and painfully killed during these shows, in front of men, women and even children. Horses have been documented time and time again, racing around the arenas with their intestines hanging out after being gored by bulls during rodeos. Bulls bleed out and often die before the matador graces them with their final stab.

When will this end? Why is it taking Mexico so long? Mexico, take action now!

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