She Neglected Her Dogs Until Tumors Burst and They Couldn't Walk

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Illinois authorities
Authorities recently charged a woman in Illinois with multiple counts of animal cruelty after she grossly neglected 13 dogs and puppies in her care. Some were as young as 2 months old, while others were as old as 9 years. The neglect they'd suffered was obvious, contributing to illnesses, injuries, and maimings.

When authorities arrived at the property, the dogs were suffering from conditions that included puncture injuries on their faces, heartworm, disintegrating teeth, respiratory illnesses, bacterial infections, skin infections, bladder stones, and severe hair loss. Others were missing parts of their ears, indicating that someone who wasn't a vet had chopped them off.

This person clearly is not capable of owning or adequately taking care of animals. She should not be allowed to possess, adopt, or live with pets again!

One animal experienced a burst tumor that she neglected for multiple days, leaving the poor pup unable to walk. When she finally turned to a veterinarian, the doctor diagnosed the dog with not only a burst tumor, but also starvation, malnutrition, emaciation and severe muscle loss, advanced arthritis, and multiple additional tumors.

Yet the owner did not follow up with appropriate medical care for the pup or follow the veterinarian's recommendations for care.

This particular dog has since passed away as a result of her painful combination of medical conditions. As for the rest of the neglected animals, officials have rescued them and they are rehabilitating. According to the local County State's Attorney, " the abuse, neglect and lack of care ... caused extreme pain and suffering that no companion animal should ever be subjected to."

And that's why she should never own or live with animals again. We must keep future dogs, puppies, and other pets safe! Sign the petition if you agree.
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