Salem Needs a Climate Action Plan

Salem is the only major city in Oregon that has not completed or begun to work on a Climate Action Plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and associated climate impacts. The Salem City Council is currently working on strategic plan that will set a limited number of goals to achieve in the next five years. Salem residents ask that the goals include a Climate Action Plan for Salem that will lead to emissions reductions and other benefits for our city.

Dear Salem City Council:

Thank you for your work to date on the Strategic Planning Initiative. We are encouraged by the goals you are developing for smarter growth, affordable housing, solutions to the homelessness crisis and better transit service. We ask that you also set a goal for a Climate Action Plan for Salem. Salem is the only major city in Oregon that does not have one, or is working on one. As Oregon's capital city we need to be a leader in measuring and planning to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, implementing a Climate Action Plan has the potential to lower our energy costs, reduce water and other air pollution, revitalize our downtown and support local economic development. For the sake of our children and our grandchildren, we ask that you do the right thing and include a Climate Action Plan among your strategic planning goals.

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