Say No to Meat at Yoga Festivals

  • por: Kim Amlong
  • destinatário: Wanderlust Yoga Festival

Yoga is not about sculpting our physical bodies. Yoga is about expanding our consciousness to include all sentient beings, the earth and the universe we share. Yoga is about awareness of how our every thought, word and action affects countless others. Yoga is about love, respect and gratitude for the diversity of all life.

Research shows that:

The animals suffer horrendously.

 Animal agriculture is the number one cause of global warming. 

Animal Agriculture causes world famine.

Vegetarians have much less cancer and heart disease.

As Albert Einstein said: "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." 

Please help end suffering today by signing this petition, and please remember that every dollar you spend can help end suffering. Countless sentient beings thank you for your kindness.

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