Petition to Protect Bellevue's Heritage Trees and Enforce Tree Ordinances

We, the undersigned residents of Bellevue, call upon the Bellevue City Council to take immediate action to:
(1). Investigate violations of Bellevue's tree protection ordinances and implement rigorous systems for inspections, enforcement, and meaningful consequences when permit conditions related to tree preservation are violated during development projects. Despite having codes requiring permits and mitigation, the City routinely turns a blind eye to violations on construction sites with no effective inspections or penalties for non-compliance.
(2). Hold developers and property owners accountable for the unauthorized removal of landmark trees, trees in the city's right-of-way, and trees explicitly marked for protection on approved permits. Impose significant fines and revoke permits/licenses for egregious violations involving protected trees.
(3). Ensure transparency in property ownership by requiring full disclosure of all parties involved in development projects, preventing the use of anonymous LLCs to obscure accountability.
(4). Mitigate the detrimental impacts of excessive tree removal on neighborhoods, including loss of privacy, increased runoff issues, and the erasure of our community's natural heritage.
(6). For developers who violate permits by removing trees marked for protection, impose penalties including substantial fines, revocation of permits/licenses, and prohibiting them from undertaking new development projects in Bellevue.
(7). Require the city to provide timely notification and allow adequate opportunity for public feedback and appeals before approving any development plans that may damage or remove trees on private property adjacent to the project site. Failure to properly notify impacted residents must result in revocation of related permits.
(8). Reallocate resources away from deploying excessive legal counsel to oppose and silence residents' legitimate appeals and voices regarding tree protection issues. Instead, prioritize solutions that balance development with preserving Bellevue's natural heritage through community input.

more background info

Bellevue Heritage Tree

BellevueHeritageTree - Landmark Specimens

Renowned pottery artist Andy Phibbs

BellevueHeritageTree - A House with a History

Bellevue Heritage tree Blog

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