Charge Trump with contempt of Congress!

In what will come as a surprise to absolutely nobody, Donald Trump failed to show up for his deposition before the January 6th committee in an obvious attempt to run out the clock and prevent himself from having to face accountability for inspiring the mob attack on the US Capitol building.

"The truth is that Donald Trump, like several of his closest allies, is hiding from the select committee's investigation and refusing to do what more than a thousand other witnesses have done," said the J6 committee in response to his absence. Trump cannot be allowed to get away with this.

Hold Trump accountable for inciting the insurrection against the US government!

Trump's crony Steve Bannon was sentenced to prison for refusing to comply with his subpoena; it is imperative that Congress do the same Donald Trump.

We must prove to the nation and the world that even an ex-president is not above the law, especially considering how deadly serious the nature of his crimes are.

Charge Trump with contempt of Congress!

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