Ban Fireworks From Pacifica Beaches

Pacifica has permitted the use of two of the city's beaches, Linda Mar (Pacifica State Beach) and Rockaway, to discharge fireworks on the 4th of July for many years. Every year, debris from these fireworks is found by beach clean-up volunteers for months after the 4th. This is after the beaches are supposedly cleaned by the organizations of Pacifica that hold permits to sell legal fireworks. 


*Pollute, releasing toxic smoke into the atmosphere and leaving behind chemically contaminated paper and wood. 

*Frighten seabirds, shorebirds, ducks and other birds who live in the creek and skim the shoreline for food. The dunes of Linda Mar play host to the threatened Snowy Plover.

*Litter our beaches and leaves them looking like a war zone 

*Scares local dogs and cats

*Places homes on the beach in jeopardy of burning.

It's time to reclaim the beach for the community of volunteers who care for the beaches and the people who speak for the animals that call Pacifica home.

Please sign this petition to show your support for my effort to have fireworks banned from our beautiful beaches.  

Thank You!!!!!


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