Demand Fords Conservatives extra 6 week Vacation be unpaid or go to charities.

After imposing wage cuts below inflation the Ontario government grants themselves 6 extra weeks of recess paid vacation to curb the backlash against austerity measures until after the Federal Election in October. If they want austerity then work for your pay or be decent enough to give your bonus loafer pay to charity helping those made vulnerable by your cuts.

Atualização #35 anos atrás
Not to give in to the overwhelming number of insulting blatant decisions made by elected representatives recently is now a charm hard to preserve. Thanks to all who have taken the simple step of sharing this petition to amplify your outrage that MPP's think they are so charming they can pick our pockets and we will not remember October 28th when provincial parliament resumes. By then they need some social media video exposure to their charitable responses to this bonus pretend "non-holiday."
Atualização #25 anos atrás
Feel free to share this petition... 229 folks have signed. If you signed but haven't shared please do so.The better response when I visit MPP's to see how charitable they become with video scrutiny on hand.
Atualização #15 anos atrás
Share this petition please. I will be away one week but when I return I would like to visit my Mississauga Conservative MPP and ask his opinion about sharing his extra 6 week vacation pay with a local charity if he is not too busy (sun tanning) working for his constituents. I will endeavor to video his response.
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