Stop Animal Testing - Stop Animal Cruelty!

Please read and sign this petition to help end animal cruelty.  We are targeting some of the major companies, but these are just a few of the hundreds who test their products on defenseless animals.
Every year, between 17 million and 22 million animals are used in laboratory testing.  Many of these animals came from shelters, where they had opportunities to be adopted out to loving homes.  Not only are rats and mice used in animal testing, but dogs, cats, horses, monkeys, hamsters, rabbits, and many others are subjected to this cruelty, as well. 
Animal testing is not only unethical and inaccurate, but is also not required of these companies by law.  These tests are not just done topically, but many animals are forced to ingest chemicals, as well.  They are forced into restraints, their eyes are burned out with chemicals, skin is cut off, fur is burned, muscles are cut out, large tubes are shoved down their throats and into their nasal cavaties, they are pumped full of different substances and keep in mind, these animals are not given anesthesia or pain killers so they won't feel the effects.  They live out their lives in small, metal cages with no other contact except when tested.  Many animals have more nerve endings in their bodies than humans do, and those nerve endings are far more sensitive, and so they feel the painful effects of the testing much more than a human would.  None of these animals have the exact same anatomy as a human's and therefore, the testing cannot be deemed accurate. 
Furthermore, there are plenty of companies that do not find the need to test on animals and still manufacture quality products and are very successful.  These are the companies who should be receiving our business, for not only providing us with the goods we need, but being cruelty-free at the same time.
Additionally, even the drug industry is on its way to finding alternative methods to animal testing.  Medical institutions, such as Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, MD, are developing programs dedicated to creating such methods.  Methods such as computer-based testing are rapidly becoming available and do not cost innocent animals, or anyone else for that matter, their lives.  Computers can be programmed to recreate the exact anatomy of a human, and again, this would be much more accurate than testing on an animal whose anatomy differs highly from humans. 
For more information, please visit some of the websites we've listed above and below.  Thank you for taking the time to read and sign this petition and please pass it along to those who you feel would love to help!

To Whom It May Concern:
We, the undersigned, believe that the practice of using animals in laboratory testing is unethical, immoral, inaccurate and unnecessary.  We are hereby boycotting the purchase of your products and will no longer indirectly fund the cruel testing of animals until your company proves that you no longer subject animals to this form of torture. 
As you may be aware, many other companies are very successful without using this form of research and there are alternative methods to test your products that don't require the use of a living creature.  We ask you to please consider these alternative methods if you would like to continue receiving our business. 
Thank you for your consideration in this very serious matter. 

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