Demand BLM & Owners To Stop Endangering Wild Horses in Wyoming.

  • por: Susan Varghese
  • destinatário: Bureau of Land Management, Wyoming.

Please allow these horses to roam free and ensure that they are not sold for horsemeat. They have family too.
The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) is part of a population management action related to maintaining appropriate management levels. The 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act requires that the BLM remove wild horses from private land, if requested by the land owner. Established under the BLM’s overall management plan, wild horse levels in the Adobe Town HMA cannot exceed 800 animals, with not more than 600 at Divide Basin and 365 at Salt Wells.
When the gather was completed on Oct. 9, helicopter wranglers ended up removing 1,263. Fourteen did not survive.
“Seven of the horses had pre-existing conditions,” Smith said. “They came in off the range with a broken leg or an abnormality and needed to be euthanized. The other seven were acute sudden (deaths) where something happened during the gather or in processing that required those horses also to be euthanized.”
“We will continue to manage the horses on the range,” Smith said. “If for some reason population numbers exceed what is specified, then we’d have to go back into the checkerboard and remove more. If not, we let the horses do what they naturally do to survive out there.”
338 animals were sent to the agency's Rock Springs Wild Horse Holding Facility.
“I'm not sure placing the wild horses in a holding facility is the best that we can do for these horses,” said Senator Eli Bebout, chairman of the legislature's Select Federal Natural Resource Committee. “Certainly, spending $60 million for BLM wild horse management can't be the best way to use that money.”

Thank You.

Please allow these horses to roam free and ensure that they are not sold for horsemeat. They have family too.
The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) is part of a population management action related to maintaining appropriate management levels. The 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act requires that the BLM remove wild horses from private land, if requested by the land owner. Established under the BLM’s overall management plan, wild horse levels in the Adobe Town HMA cannot exceed 800 animals, with not more than 600 at Divide Basin and 365 at Salt Wells.
When the gather was completed on Oct. 9, helicopter wranglers ended up removing 1,263. Fourteen did not survive.
“Seven of the horses had pre-existing conditions,” Smith said. “They came in off the range with a broken leg or an abnormality and needed to be euthanized. The other seven were acute sudden (deaths) where something happened during the gather or in processing that required those horses also to be euthanized.”
“We will continue to manage the horses on the range,” Smith said. “If for some reason population numbers exceed what is specified, then we’d have to go back into the checkerboard and remove more. If not, we let the horses do what they naturally do to survive out there.”
338 animals were sent to the agency's Rock Springs Wild Horse Holding Facility.
“I'm not sure placing the wild horses in a holding facility is the best that we can do for these horses,” said Senator Eli Bebout, chairman of the legislature's Select Federal Natural Resource Committee. “Certainly, spending $60 million for BLM wild horse management can't be the best way to use that money.”

Thank You.

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