Montana: Make it a Crime to Watch Dogfights

Fighting animals is a cruel pastime that involves the deliberate torture and maiming of both animals that are used to fight and the bait animals who are used to train them.

While dogfighting is a felony in every state, Montana is the only state that has no laws dealing with those who attend dogfights. Spectators who attend dogfights, and other animal bloodsports, help fuel this barbaric underground industry and perpetuate other illegal activity.

Montana lawmakers recently had the opportunity to change this by passing HB 279, which would have made attending a dog fight illegal, but they tabled the bill even though there was overwhelming support for it.

Please sign the petition urging Montana's elected officials to revive this bill and help end this cruel bloodsport by making it illegal to attend a dogfight.

As someone who cares about animal welfare and community safety, I was disappointed to learn that the House Agricultural Committee failed yet again to pass a law that would make it illegal to attend a dogfight. I urge you to revive HB 279 and impose penalties for those who attend these barbaric bloodsports.

While dogfighting is a felony in every single state, Montana is the only state that has no laws dealing with those who attend dogfights. Spectators who attend dogfights, and other animal fights, help fuel this barbaric underground industry and perpetuate other illegal activity.

Dogfighting, and other animal fights, are brutal enterprises that operate in secrecy. Making it illegal to attend a dog fight will help stop this underground industry and help law enforcement officials hold animal abusers accountable, in addition to helping them stop other criminal activity that is often associated with dogfighting.

I sincerely hope that you will join every other state in the U.S. that has taken steps to deal with spectators of this cruel bloodsport and support legislation that will make it illegal to attend a dog fight.

Atualização #19 anos atrás
This week a new bill (HB 378) that would finally make it illegal to attend an animal fight in Montana is making its way through the legislature, but there are still some lawmakers against passing it. Please share the news and petition telling legislators it's time to crack down on spectators who continue to perpetuate these sickening events.
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