We, the undersigned, OPPOSE construction of the controversial 125-mile-long Cardinal-Hickory Creek Transmission Line Project through the Driftless Area of southwest Wisconsin. With electricity demand flat or declining, and the Chairwoman of our Public Service Commission confirming that Wisconsin has an excess of generation, this is a power line Wisconsin does not need and should not approve.
Wisconsin utility customers would be burdened with paying for its $500-$700 million cost in a state that presently has the highest electricity rates in the Midwest, while for-profit transmission line company investors would receive 10.2% guaranteed annual rate of return.
By permanently marring the beauty of our unique Driftless Area, these massive 17-story-high towers and 345 kilovolt power lines would weaken tourism and small businesses, and thereby cripple our local economy. They would create obstacles to farming resulting in reduced productivity, and they would jeopardize organic operations. Real estate values would drop significantly and property would become difficult to sell. The proposed lines would rip through or alongside state parks, magnificent natural areas, our numerous trout streams, conservation areas, and habitat for many species at risk of extinction.
We urge the WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION to DENY APPROVAL of this unneeded and harmful project.
Thank you so much for your support!
Copy this url to your browser to view our website - www.driftlessdefenders.com
Copy this url to your browser to view a short video - www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNZBtb9i_Ic
Atualização #26 anos atrás
We still need signatures... please share this petition to your social media sites or by downloading a hard copy and gathering signatures. Filled out petition sheets can be delivered to Driftless Defenders by contacting info@driftlessdefenders.com.
As always - Thank you for your continued support!
Atualização #17 anos atrás
We still need more signature... we will be using this petition to present to legislators as sign of a support by their constituents. Please share this with your contacts. We need all the help we can get. Thank you so much for your efforts!
Driftless Defenders