Help Free Mali the Elephant

"A video made by students at Kingsleigh Primary School in England has made headlines around the world and is now being featured on the website for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). The children’s goal is simple: to save an elephant that has been confined to a small pen at a Manila zoo for 35 years. The work these kids have done and the compassion they have not only exemplified, but also cultivated, is incredible and deserves our gratitude.

Mali the elephant was taken from her habitat in Sri Lanka as a baby in 1974, and has spent 35 years in a small concrete pen in Manila Zoo. She remains the only captive elephant in the Philippines and, because of her isolation and inability to interact with other elephants, suffers from a variety of complex medical and mental health issues. Mali is so lonely that she constantly holds her own tail. Young elephants will hold the tails of their mothers for security.

In the video, the children speak as though they are Mali, telling her story and describing how she was taken from her home and endured decades of torture and suffering. Descriptions include, “The more I move, the more I am beaten, even though I have done nothing wrong. With tears in my eyes I lay in pain, as the days drag on.” Finally, the children ask “Are you going to leave her there?” while showing a haunting image of Mali holding her own tail.

Please sign the petition and not only thank the students at Kingsleigh Primary School for this unbelievable effort, but also show your support for their cause and help set Mali free."

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