Save Macclesfield Countryside from Developers
A nationwide developer is applying for outline planning permission to build 200 houses on our fast disappearing countryside in Macclesfield
Not only will this take away even more of our dwindling green space, but it will put extra pressure on our already struggling road system.
The area is between Prestbury Rd and the River Bollin, and access will be a single Rd running next to Ashfield Drive.
Bloor Homes are holding a zoom meeting/consultation on the 17th of December 2024, prior to applying for outline planning permission. So we don't have much time!
The idea of this petition is to show Bloor Homes that the local people are not happy with this plan and that we will not accept it.
The house building in Macclesfield is getting worse and if this goes ahead we will soon lose every green space in Cheshire.
This is not about 'much needed houses' it's about profit!
Developers in Macclesfield are not concerned with 'affordability' with new terraced houses at £370,000+
The council will simply look at three empty fields, versus 200 lots of council tax!
The government said that brown-sites would be targeted first when it comes to new homes; so why are we not seeing it?
Together we can stand against this!
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