Boycott "National Wildlife Federation" they support wolf hunting and trapping!

  • por: Tara B.
  • destinatário: everyone

National Wildlife Federation (NWF) is probably deceiving a lot of animal lovers in to supporting them. PLEASE DO NOT BE FOOLED!

I recently found out that NWF endorsed a law in Michigan which seeks to allow wolf hunting by changing the way hunting laws are made in the state so that voters - who already tried to reject wolf hunting - will no longer have any say. An article which cites their endorsement of the Act - and reveals what kind of company they are keeping - can be found here:

I think it is highly deceptive that the January page of their 2014 calendar had a picture of a wolf and talked about wolves having made a comeback in part of their former range, and how continued determination was needed to protect those victories, and even urged people to symbolically adopt a wolf or other animal through NWF. In my opinion that is very dishonest "advertizing" coming from a group that wants to see hunting of Michigan's fragile and declining wolf population, against the will of voters.

At first I thought there must be some mistake. My family made two attempts to contact them, but got no response to either - I think they KNOW most of their supporters would be appalled, and were hoping we would just forget about it.

We then did a bit more digging. It was somewhat hard to find, but it is all there in the "fine print" on their website. If you visit this link you can search for Conservation Policy Resolutions by keyword.

A search for "wolf" reveals a resolution on Mexican gray wolves which seems okay right up until you reach the paragraph that says they will in the future, when those wolves have recovered, support delisting and state "management" including hunting and trapping. I guess that is the same policy they are applying in Michigan - where the Fish and Wildlife Service delisted wolves even though we all know they were really still endangered - but they have taken it so far as to support CHANGING the way the state determines how wildlife is managed, to allow wolf hunting when wolves would otherwise have been protected by the will of voters.

It also turns out NWF supports trapping as a recreational pastime. (Seach their resolutions for Trapping in National Wildlife Refuges for proof of this - don't put it in quotes though or it won't work - just use those words without quotes.) As I'm sure I don't need to tell anyone on Care2, trapping is extremely cruel and also kills indiscriminately.

Pledge not to donate to, or purchase anything from, (including the children's magazine "Ranger Rick" which they put out) National Wildlife Federation - and please spread the word wide and far.

We also found a Facebook page devoted to exposing them. If you are on Facebook please like this page to help spread the word.

If you were formerly a supporter of NWF and feel like you have been deceived, it may not hurt to contact them and let them know that you are outraged and will definitely NOT continue your support - but don't expect a response.

Boycott "National Wildlife Federation" they support wolf hunting and trapping!

Atualização #39 anos atrás
Attention US activists: Please consider signing this petition to ban trapping in Wildlife Refuges. This action is for Americans only. Activists in other countries could still help by sharing the link with friends in America. Thanks everyone!
Atualização #29 anos atrás
Reminder: DO NOT sign up to participate in this year's "Great American
Campout" (formerly the Great American Backyard Campout) which is organized by NWF. Thank you, and please tell your friends!
Atualização #19 anos atrás
Some of you have asked who you should donate to instead of NWF, to help wolves the most. After much research I found nothing to damage my personal confidence in the Center for Biological Diversity's "Wolf Defense Fund" and they seem to be among the most effective organizations in terms of actually getting results. Here's the link to donate: Thank you all for caring so much about wolves!
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