Protect Migrant Workers in the UAE!

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) uses a kafala visa system that leaves female migrant domestic workers vulnerable to physical abuse, forced slave labor, underpayment and hunger.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) interviewed 99 women and found that almost all of them had their passports seized and were exploited in a number of ways. Some of them were forced to work up to 21 hours a day, some weren't allowed to leave their house, and others were beaten.

One of these women was an Indonesian worker who told HRW, "My boss started hitting me after two weeks of [starting work]. She hit me with her fist to my chest. She scraped her fingernails on my neck, and slapped my face. I was bruised on my neck. She sometimes pulled out tufts of my hair." This woman was never even paid for her work.

The kafala visa system states that a domestic worker can't move to a new job before her contract ends without her employer's consent. Obviously, this rule has forced women to remain in abusive conditions.

Please sign the petition to urge the UAE to revise their visa system to protect migrant workers!

We, the undersigned, are concerned that your kafala visa system leaves female migrant domestic workers vulnerable to physical abuse, forced slave labor, underpayment and hunger.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) interviewed 99 women and found that almost all of them had their passports seized and were exploited in a number of ways. Some of them were forced to work up to 21 hours a day, some weren't allowed to leave their house, and others were beaten.

One of these women was an Indonesian worker who told HRW, "My boss started hitting me after two weeks of [starting work]. She hit me with her fist to my chest. She scraped her fingernails on my neck, and slapped my face. I was bruised on my neck. She sometimes pulled out tufts of my hair." This woman was never even paid We understand that the kafala visa system states that a domestic worker can't move to a new job before her contract ends without her employer's consent. As it stands, this rule has forced women to remain in abusive conditions.

We respectfully urge you to revise your visa system to protect migrant workers. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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