Mayor: Lift the ban on Pit Bulls

  • destinatário:  Mayor (Micah Cawley) Assistant Mayor (Kathy Coffey) District 3 (Rick Ensey)

Breed-specific legislation is a law or ordinance passed by a legislative body pretaining to a specific breed or breeds of domesticated animals. In practice, it generally refers to laws or ordinances pretaining to a specific dog breed or breeds. The supportors of BSL claim their goal is to put an end to dog attacks by targeting certain breeds of dog that are "inherently vicious/dangerous", and dogs that tend to appeal to people who are involved in criminal activity (i.e. drug dealers, dog fighters, gangbangers, etc). So does that mean because there's a sex offender registry that my child is safe? No it provides me with the information on where they reside if they even register.

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