Attack the wolfkillers

  • por: Michiel Van Hoorik
  • destinatário: the gathered large conservistgroups of the united states

We were very relieved and happy when the good news finally came in 2014.

About the american wolves back under the endangered species act in three large wolfstates.

How disturbing it is that the wolfhaters keep coming back in their impossible ways.

New anti-wolf "legislation" is back and waiting to be approved.

So much for the politicians.

We demand the gathered conservistsgroups in the united states to restore the safety for the wolf IN THE FIELD.

Organize volunteers own employees and resources for this purpose.

We urge them to act in a way that they are in the field between the wolfhaters and the wolf.

Stopping them from shooting bullets, chemical weapons and other things on our wolves.

Removing the painful traps in the woods.

And making an end to the illegal practice of the chopper from the usda.

Atualização #110 anos atrás
Their is another petition already going on about the wolves of Idaho that urges an investigation about the treatment of wolves their by the government of Idaho, you can use the following link:
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