The Loss Whilst The Lesson Hanako Gives Humans

  • por: Enid Van Til
  • destinatário: Hanako Fund Managers, Rita Claseesns & Ulara Nakagawa; a Hanako statue

As aware, Hanako passed away on the morning of May 26, 2016 at her bleak tiny concrete cell alone. Senility along with epiphenomenon is considered the main cause of Hanako's death. Hanako is now at a better place, free roams with her family, her beloved mother without suffering, loneliness and pain.

R.I.P. the beautiful big sweetheart, Hanako.

Here is a new petition as below to raise awareness about a rescue fund set up for Hanako that amounts to $34,411 dollars. The fund was started by Rita Claessens in Feb 2016 and then is run by Ulara Nakagawa and Rita Claessens in Help Hanako group to date.

A major part of the donation is used to pay away things known to the fund managers in addition to Carol Buckley and Ulara Nakagawa’s 3-day trip to Tokyo meeting with Inokashira Park Zoo in early March 2016.

Till now a spare tire is the one and only addition to Hanako’s plight before the sudden loss of the sweetie on 26 May, 2016.

As observed, there is a multiplicity of views on the subject of the remains of Hanako’s fund, $18,000 dollars approx..

Lisa, for instance, claims that “Whatever money was left over from all the donations, now should go to lawyers to stop this awful action!”

Elser asserts that “Now no more expenses as Hanako is at peace. So give the monies donated back to those who donated!It was for Hanako no one Else. Do what's right!" and so forth.

A chart to clarify the use of the fund is standard procedure required for average rescue, let alone saving a solitary senior elephant as a multinational transfer from Inokashira Park Zoo in Tokyo, Japan to a spacious region where Hanako could have come into contact with her species, feeling loved and experienced the sense of smell from other elephants, meanwhile feeling soft grass under her tired feet plus real mud baths for the first time in Hanako’s 67-year lifespan.

In terms of legality, fund launched in the name of helping Hanako totalizes 34K is supposed to be employed to things associated with Hanako, i.e. educational move based on the miserable life of this captive elephant with high intelligence & sociality as a token of warning to mankind.

Aside from the above, people (Rita Claessens & Ulara Nakagawa in the case of Hanako Fund use) running the fund demand a clarification of the fund use via a short chart as fundamentals of average rescue.

Randy Decker comes up with a fine concept that a statue explaining Hanako's stand of suffering for 67 years is a great rallying cry for changes to laws. “Hanako is gone!She broke my heart with her story and this can't be lost to time!Hanako's should be the poster child for Solitary Zoo Confinement and the overall plight of every captive Zoo animal. Central PARK would be the best place for the statue”, declares Randy.

A statue says a million words indeed.

Please sign the petition in support of erecting a Hanako statue as a martyr to 67 years’ imprisonment at the sacrifice of her own precious life.

Thank you for being part of this eloquent and profound piece of work paying a tribute to this severely solitary elephant in captivity for entire 67!

Atualização #38 anos atrás
A statue says a million Words

Hanako is officially the last elephant at Inokashira Park Zoo. No more elephants will be taken in there.
Hanako passed away on May 26, 2016 at her bleak tiny concrete cell alone. This new petition is meant to raise awareness about a Rescue Fund set up for Hanako amounting to $34,411 dollars in total.
The fund started by Rita Claessens in Feb 2016 in Hanako's name and run together with Ulara Nakagawa in Help Hanako group amounting to $34,411 dollars to date!
Atualização #28 anos atrás
A Statue says a million Words!

Hanako is officially the last elephant at Inokashira Park Zoo. No more elephants will be taken in there.
Hanako passed away on May 26, 2016 at her bleak tiny concrete cell alone.
This new petition meants to raise awareness about a Rescue Fund set up for Hanako amounting to $34,411 dollars in total.
The fund started by Rita Claessens in Feb 2016 in Hanako's name and run together with Ulara Nakagawa in Help Hanako group to date!
Atualização #18 anos atrás

Carol Buckley has never undergone formal training as a veterinarian, and used to be an ex-circus elephant trainer, a funder & co-funder. In 2011, Carol Buckley was filed with a lawsuit seeking $500.000 in damages in the US and was reported by Los Angeles Times.
The news report about Carol Buckley can be referred to as follows:

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