Close down City Airport!

City Airport is a blight on London - polluting children's lungs in the local area and speeding up global warming. We desperately need the land it takes up to build housing, schools and space for small business.

German-based insurance company Allianz has expressed an interest in buying the airport. This large financial institution has recently divested from coal. It would be hypocritical of them to run such a polluting facility. We urge Allianz to close the airport and turn it into less risky, more friendly affordable housing and facilities for small businesses. 

Dear Allianz,

We understand you are interested in buying City Airport. This airport is unnecessary, polluting and causes health problems for local people. In an age of terrorism and ever-crowded skies, it also poses an unacceptable risk to surrounding buildings.

We call on you to continue the good work you started by divesting from coal, and close down this airport. There is potential to make far more profit from using the land as residential and commercial realestate, which would also benefit your brand as London residents applaud your social responsibility.

Please do everything within your power to close down this unsightly, noisy and polluting airport.

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