Who is the sick woman who filmed herself slowly torturing a cat to death? That's what animal lovers are asking themselves after a video went viral on social media.
The unnamed woman decided to test the theory that cats, indeed had nine lives, after she apparently caught the tomcat trying to have relations with her kitty. This apparent natural urge to procreate so enraged her that
she shoved the cat in the washer, filming the whole thing and even posting it on Instagram with laughing emojis. Viewers could hear the tomcat meowing in agony after the first cycle, but that wasn't enough. The woman mercilessly forced it to endure another cycle after the first cycle didn't kill it. Now people are demanding that the woman, from Jaen, Spain be caught and punished for this inexcusable act of animal cruelty.
Please join the call for justice by adding your name to the petition and asking the Spanish government to look into this crime and punish the woman responsible.