Protect Endangered Manatees from Deadly Pollution

  • por: Nyack Clancy
  • destinatário: Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pollution Prevention & Toxics

463 endangered manatees have died this year in Flordia from something called “nutrient pollution”,- outbreaks are fueled by sewage, manure and fertilizer. Florida's green slime and red algae problem is also making people sick, killing pets, seabirds and livestock and is lethal to fish.

Tell the Environmental Protection Agency to close the loopholes immediately that allow industries to continue to pollute with sewage, manure and fertilizer. Stop putting profits over protections of wildlife and their habitats.


Office of Pollution Prevention & Toxics
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Mail Code 7401-M
Washington, DC 20460
Phone: (202) 564-3810

463 endangered manatees have died this year in Flordia from something called “nutrient pollution”,- outbreaks are fueled by sewage, manure and fertilizer. Florida's green slime and red algae problem is also making people sick, killing pets, seabirds and livestock and is lethal to fish.

Tell the Environmental Protection Agency to close the loopholes immediately that allow industries to continue to pollute with sewage, manure and fertilizer. Stop putting profits over protections of wildlife and their habitats.


Office of Pollution Prevention & Toxics
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Mail Code 7401-M
Washington, DC 20460
Phone: (202) 564-3810

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