Moana the Orca is Dying A Slow Death at Marineland, Antibes. Let’s Save Him!

  • por: Victoria Salter
  • destinatário: Marineland, Antibes, Antibes Authorities

Orcas can live as long as humans. Yet Moana is just 10 years old, and he is slowly dying in filthy water at Marineland in Antibes. He goes around in circles in his hellhole dolphinarium.
Moana also has sub-dermal wounds and his state has worsened. He is miserable and could die a premature death unless he is saved.
We call upon the Government and Officials in Antibes to rescue and save Moana and take him to a good sanctuary before he dies a miserable, painful and premature death. We call upon Marineland to release him. If they don't release him, we will encourage lots of people to boycott them. We will keep the pressure up for as long as Moana is living in that hellhole!
Thank you.

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