UC Berkeley: Don't Honor Professor Who Sexually Harassed Students!

  • por: Aarti K
  • destinatário: UC Berkeley
UC Berkeley has a sexual harassment problem that needs to stop. Most recently, a woman filed suit against philosophy professor John R. Searle and the University of California Regents after she was fired from her job as Searle’s research assistant for rejecting his advances.

However, as BuzzFeed reported, this wasn’t the first time a woman had complained about the professor’s sexual misconduct. In fact, UC Berkeley officials knew that at least three students had made sexual misconduct claims against him, and the philosophy department had received complaints that Searle made inappropriate comments in his undergraduate classes. Yet, Searle faced no repercussions and was able to continue harassing young women.

Please join me in demanding that UC Berkeley protect its female students and stand up against sexual harassment!

As a Berkeley graduate, I am appalled that the school let Searle get away with such an abuse of power for so long. All students deserve to learn and work in a safe, supportive environment, free from sexual harassment.

UC Berkeley should honor the female students Searle harassed instead of honoring him. Please join me in demanding that Berkeley strip Searle of his professor emeritus title and change the name of the John Searle Center for Social Ontology!
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