• por: Longwood Grove Neighbors
  • destinatário: Leila Gordon, Executive Director, Reston Community Center, and The Board of Fairfax County Park Authority

The Board of the Reston Community Center is partnering with Fairfax County Park Authority to build a massive recreation/fitness/aquatics facility in Baron Cameron Park.  The 80,000 square foot facility will seat 1000 spectators and require additional space for parking.  By signing this petition, you are voicing your objection to this destruction of acres of Baron Cameron Park. 

Because all residents of Fairfax County can access this facility, and because it is NOT within walking distance of the Silver Line, the additional traffic in and out of the Park will add to the traffic congestion, pollution, and noise.  The intersection of Wiehle and Baron Cameron is already one of the most dangerous in Reston.  The increased traffic from the Silver Line and the proposed Recreation Annex will exacerbate an already deadlly situation.  Better options exist for the location of the recreation annex.  Preserve the beauty and open space of Baron Cameron Park!

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