In Indonesia, rainforest’s cover 60% of the land but are quickly disappearing. Legal and illegal loggers are stripping the forests bare for wood and clearing the land to make way for palm oil plantations and farm land.
As rainforest destruction continues at an alarming rate, orang-utans or “man of the forest” as their name means, are forced to go into villages in search of food. Once entering a village they face capture and severe abuse.
Farmers are ruthlessly killing adult orang-utans to prevent them from eating their crops leaving many baby orang-utans to be orphaned in the forest to die.

Save the Orangutan!
Ministry of Environment
JI. D. I. Panjaitan Kebon Nanas
Jakarta - 13410
Tel: + 62 21 851 7148, + 62 21 8590 4937
Fax: + 62 21 851 7147, + 62 21 859 04937
Mr. Salman AL FARISI
Deputy Chief of Mission
Embassy of Indonesia
2020 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC - 20036
Tel: (202) 775-5304
Fax: (202) 775-5217
In Indonesia, rainforest’s cover 60% of the land but are quickly disappearing. Legal and illegal loggers are stripping the forests bare for wood and clearing the land to make way for palm oil plantations and farm land.
As rainforest destruction continues at an alarming rate, orang-utans or “man of the forest” as their name means, are forced to go into villages in search of food. Once entering a village they face capture and severe abuse.
Farmers are ruthlessly killing adult orang-utans to prevent them from eating their crops leaving many baby orang-utans to be orphaned in the forest to die.

Save the Orangutan!