RELOCATE animals at Lagoon Zoo

Lagoon amusement park located in Farmington, Utah currently holds: Tiger(s), Lion(s), Jaguar, Cougar(s), Black Panther(s), Zebra(s), Llama(s), Camel(s), Donkey, Addax, and multiple Kangaroo. To raise that many animals healthfully, you'd need an enclosure the size of the African Savanna. It is no secret animals do not belong in captivity, especially in an environment that is constantly loud, busy, and full of pollution. The animals are held in metal chainlink cages a FRACTION of the size of their natural habitat. Each enclosure is equipped with concrete, dirt, and not much else. It is common to see the animals at Lagoon pacing in their enclosures, a sign of depression. By supporting the Lagoon Zoo you are also supporting human-fuled species loss, and malnutrition, a form of animal abuse. When animals are kept in captivity the average life expectancy goes down by 50%, an astonishing statistic. The obvious well-being of these animals is horrifying and the environment they were forcefully placed in meets none of their needs. Wild animals do not enjoy roller coasters and face paint, we are doing a severe injustice to these animals. By continuing to visit Lagoon you are funding animal abuse.

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