Let Hailey Walk!

Hailey Krueger is a senior at Mapleton Public Schools. She has struggled with a learning disability this year and Epilepsy her whole life. Due to her medical condition, she has missed some school this year, leaving her 1/2 a credit shy of graduating. She will make this half credit up but the school is unwilling to let her walk for the graduation ceremony!

She is not asking for her diploma, she is just asking to walk with her peers who have supported her through her struggles during her 4-year high school career. Hailey has fought the last 4 years to not let her disabilities get the best of her or limit her goals. She has struggled but has never given up.

Please help us to not let the Mapleton Public School District give up on one of their students!

Here is a link for her story on the news.


Atualização #18 anos atrás
Please join our group Let Hailey Walk on Facebook for all the latest news and updates on our fight to #LetHaileyWalk. Thank you for your continued support!
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