Impose Economic Sanctions against Japan.Enforce Pelly Amendment Certifications.

  • por: stephen hambrick
  • destinatário: 1. President of the United States Barack O Bama 2. US Secretary of State

We the undersigned call upon the Government of the United States,in accordance with the Pelly amendment and Packwood-Magnusson act,to impose economic sanctions against the government of Japan for it's illegal and immoral whaling program.Under the guise of scientific research,Japan has thwarted the rules of the International Whaling Commission,International law,and stockpiles whale products for commercial purposes.We also call upon the United States Government to file suit against Japan at the International World Court in the Hague demanding Japan conform to total compliance with the rules on International Whaling.Three Certifications of violation have been filed by the United States Secretary of Commerce against the Government of Japan.The Secretary of Commerce has also recommended economic sanctions be levied against Japan,yet to present date,no further actions have been taken or enforced by the United States Government.All three certifications against Japan are still in effect,and no further certifications are required by law to impose economic sanction.We also call upon the president to invoke restrictions on Japanese fishing within U.S. territorial waters until Japan comes in to compliance with international law.The international Whaling Commission has been unable to force Japan's compliance due to a loophole in the law allowing whaling for scientific research,and in the past year some of its members were investigated for bribery and corruption,taking payoffs or gifts from Japanese officials to allow Japan to continue its Whaling program.Thank you for your attention to this matter.  

We the undersigned call upon the Government of the United States,in accordance with the Pelly amendment and Packwood-Magnusson act,to impose economic sanctions against the government of Japan for it's illegal and immoral whaling program.Under the guise of scientific research,Japan has thwarted the rules of the International Whaling Commission,International law,and stockpiles whale products for commercial purposes.We also call upon the United States Government to file suit against Japan at the International World Court in the Hague demanding Japan conform to total compliance with the rules on International Whaling.Three Certifications of violation have been filed by the United States Secretary of Commerce against the Government of Japan.The Secretary of Commerce has also recommended economic sanctions be levied against Japan,yet to present date,no further actions have been taken or enforced by the United States Government.All three certifications against Japan are still in effect,and no further certifications are required by law to impose economic sanction.We also call upon the president to invoke restrictions on Japanese fishing within U.S. territorial waters until Japan comes in to compliance with international law.The international Whaling Commission has been unable to force Japan's compliance due to a loophole in the law allowing whaling for scientific research,and in the past year some of its members were investigated for bribery and corruption,taking payoffs or gifts from Japanese officials to allow Japan to continue its Whaling program.Thank you for your attention to this matter.  

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