Say No to Open Net Fish Farming in Nova Scotia

  • por: Casey Smith
  • destinatário: Nova Scotia Government

Request local signatures from Nova Scotia residents only please.

Fish farming is linked to rapidly declining local fish populations due to disease transfer and inter breading between wild and farmed fish. It also distributes large volumes of chemicals and concentrated fish excrement into the local waterways where people fish, recreation, swim and make their livings. Noise, smell and impacts to local fisherman have also been reported as an ongoing concern with these operations. There are currently up to 20 leases for farms proposed in the waters of Mahone Bay , St. Margaret's Bay & Chedabucto Bay. The goal is to keep fish farming from polluting our waters and dismantling our Bays eco system. Please sign to add your voice. If you have experiences and testimonials you wish to add, please share.
Please also join the Twin Bays Coalition Facebook Group, check out our website, twitter feed and send a donation to support our ongoing communications to the public. The links are here: 

Facebook Group:

The Twin Bays Website:

Twitter: @twin_bays. 

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