This petition is regarding Lumber Sale Number: 12-064-16-01 (Bear Camp SBW)
This petition is regarding Lumber Sale Number: 12-064-16-01 (Bear Camp SBW)
The Picture above is the Forest Scheduled to be CLEAR CUT, it is growing lush and green, hardly a forest devastated by the bud worm.
Michigan's DNR is CLEAR CUTTING/DE-FORESTING Thousands of Acres of Public Lands in Upper Michigan in the name of PROFIT. They claim that they need to clear cut harvest the lumber while there is still value. I understand that the spruce bud worm damages balsam fir and may also damage and feed on black spruce, tamarack, pine and hemlock trees when they are in stands with balsam fir or white spruce, but these species generally suffer less damage. I see no reason why the DNR is CLEAR CUTTING: ASPEN, BIRCH, CHERRY AND MAPLE. There is NO reason for this type of Deforestation in the year 2016. There are many ways to manage the forest other than CLEAR CUTTING it just takes a little thought and a comprehensive plan. The Real Value in Michigan's Forests is not the timber value but rather in their beauty and what that beauty brings. CLEAR CUTTING Michigan's Forests may put some short time money in the states pocket but in the long term it will cost the State (especially in the U.P.) millions of dollars in lost tourism, and hunting and fishing revenues, not to mention the lost beauty for generations of Michigan Property Owners. The deforestation of this area will also diminish the Property Values of all property owners as we depend upon hunting, fishing and beauty of Upper Michigan to bring Hunters, Fisherman, Boaters, Tourism for the Colors etc... I want be able to enjoy the beauty of Upper Michigan with my children and grandchildren to in a natural forest with large trees not just new growth pine trees and brush which resembles a tree farm.
Deforestation also lowers the animal population in the natural forest environment and forces deer, bear, etc.. into populated areas where they can become a nuisance and cause real property damage thus costing farmers and residents thousands of dollars each year. Wildlife in populated areas also causes many auto accidents and even the loss of pets from coyotes and wolves.
All I am petitioning the Michigan State DNR to take the time to conduct Responsible Forest Management and not to CLEAR CUT the forest. There is no reason for the removal of hardwoods and/or ASPEN, BIRCH, CHERRY and MAPLE trees do to Spruce Bud Worm damage. The DNR can easily re-write the bid specifications and leave the hardwoods and other trees unaffected by the spruce bud worms. The Forest that you are about to CLEAR CUT is the year round home to many Deer, Moose, and Black bears, Grouse, Woodpeckers and many other animal and bird species and without this forest they will be gone for several generations.
Sportsman, Nature Lovers, Environmentalists, and anyone who just enjoys the woods, Please endorse the petition.
David Rassel

Atualização #18 anos atrás
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