Demand Justice for tortured Dairy Cows! Leprino Foods must act!

Colorado news channels reported the week of September 12, 2014 that Leprino Foods headquarted in Denver CO, partnered with a New Mexico Dairy Farm, Winchester Dairy, in which video was shot showing horrific abuses to the dairy cows in their care.  The abuse was dispicable including kicking, stabbing, hanging and  viciously dragging obviously injured cows by ropes to move them.  

Leprino Foods reportedly cancelled their contract with Winchester Dairy, but this is not enough.  It is not enough for Leprino Foods to walk away and not contribute to the assurance that the cows that produced the milk that made their company undoubtedly huge profits are assured medical attention and accommodations worthy of the injustice and cruelty of the abuse inflicted on them.

As a business owner and provider of food products you have a responsibility to know who you are doing business with and what policies are in place to protect the welfare of the animals that create your profit.

Demand that Leprino Foods take action for their part in acquiring milk under these disgusting conditions.

Atualização #110 anos atrás
Mercy for Animals has an additional petition and call to action.
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