Save the Wild Boar from Extinction in the UK

  • por: Sue Lee
  • destinatário: The Forestry Commission and Government of the UK

Please sign and share this petition in an effort to ask the United Kingdom to take steps that will ensure the health and safety of the wild boar. Government rangers have been walking around with high-powered rifles in an effort to reduce the wild boar numbers in the Forest of Dean. We have to stop this wild boar cull and save them from extinction at the hands of rangers who should be preserving their habitat and existence.

A forest visitor, Mr. Pratten was walking a path under a low moon when he was confronted by a group of wild boar. The animals growled at him but immediately turned around and trotted away. Although it was a frightening experience at first, a potentially much more hazardous threat when they take on the high-powered rifles of government rangers who have been charged with reducing the number of boar in the Forest of Dean.

Mr. Pratten says that "It will be easy to stop the rangers. The forest is crisscrossed with public paths. And they have to stick close to the tracks because they need a vehicle to get the carcasses away. We'll move bait, we'll come into the forest and scare the boar away from the guns. If necessary, we'll be out there when they're trying to shoot."

Mr. Pratten is an activist and veteran of last year's badger cull in Gloucestershire. He states that "We've mapped the forest out and divided it up. We all have our own zones to patrol. We're determined. They say it's control; we think it's mass slaughter and could wipe out the wild boar in the forest." You can see the whole story at

We have to support the activists in the UK and stop killing the wild boar that is causing them to be highly endangered and extinct. Please sign and share this petition in an effort to ask the United Kingdom to take steps that will ensure the health and safety of the wild boar. Government rangers have been walking around with high-powered rifles in an effort to reduce the wild boar numbers in the Forest of Dean. We have to stop this wild boar cull and save them from extinction at the hands of rangers who should be preserving their habitat and existence.

The Forestry Commission and Government of the UK - You need to stop the shootings and loss of habitat that is putting the wild boar is endangerment. There needs to be a law implemented that punishes any offenders who are shooting the wild boars and taking away any of their habitat. These animals deserve to be here, were once extinct and are now trying to increase their numbers through recent reproduction. Take necessary steps that will ensure healthy numbers and lives of the wild boar.

The Forestry Commission and Government of the UK - You need to stop the shootings and loss of habitat that is putting the wild boar is endangerment. There needs to be a law implemented that punishes any offenders who are shooting the wild boars and taking away any of their habitat. These animals deserve to be here, were once extinct and are now trying to increase their numbers through recent reproduction. Take necessary steps that will ensure healthy numbers and lives of the wild boar.

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