Justice for Jewel in Door County WI

Jewel was a lost pig who was trying to be rescued by local animal groups. She was off on the side of the road causing no danger. An officer was dispatched and after telling all the folks assembled that he was an animal lover,he shot Jewel two times and maybe three.He blatantly lied to the rescue groups present at the scene. Everyone was horrified. Young children witnessed this atrocity.A senseless waste of life! We would like to have disciplinary action taken against Officer Nathan Daoust and an explanation from Door County Sheriff's department as to why this situation was handled this way .If this is how lost or stray animals are to be dealt with in Door County then a BIG change is needed.
Atualização #22 dias atrás
Thanks to all who have already signed. I'll leave it up a bit longer to try and get to 1000. We are close! Legal action has been started.
Atualização #18 dias atrás
Thanks for signing. We are a bit over 600 names and still trying for 1000. Please share if you haven't already. Thanks for this support!
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