Sign Petition for Florida Senator Marco Rubio to Introduce a Bill to End Orca & Dolphin Captivity


My name is Marissa and I am 5th grader that would like Florida Senator Marco Rubio to Introduce a Bill that Orca's & Dolphins Are Not to Be Held in Captivity Except for Rescue, Rehab and Sanctuary Reasons.

California was able to get 1.2 million signatures to have the Orcas released. Please help and sign my petition and share with your friends. The letter I sent to him is below.

Thank you for your help! Let's make this world a better place and have God's creatures live in the wild where they belong.



April 17, 2014

Senator Marco Rubio

United States Senator

201 South Orange Avenue

Suite 350 

Orlando, FL 32801

Dear Senator Rubio:

I am writing to ask you to create a bill that would state that orca whales are not to be held in captivity except in rescue and sanctuary situations.  Most marine parks currently teach children that it’s ok to capture and keep healthy animals in captivity for profit.  Marine parks need to change their business models to be rescue facilities.  They could still continue the theme park piece of their business as well to create a profit to support the rescue part of their business.  This bill would allow current marine parks to become rescue facilities and to teach the public about these wonderful animals.

Orca whales swim many miles a day in their own environment, but in captivity they swim in circles like wooden horses on a carousel.  Also, whales live in pods, like families where each pod speaks a different language.  Imagine coming into a family that speaks a different language, how hard would it be to communicate?  There have been situations where marine parks bring a new orca into its facility and the new orca gets attacked by the current whales at the facility because it is not part of their family. Obviously it doesn’t speak their language.

I think that this is an important bill. It will benefit the community by teaching our future generations not to hold animals captive and to leave them in their natural environments. At the same time showing that humans can help rescued animals get the care that they need. 

Thank you for your support.



5th Grade Student



Atualização #49 anos atrás
Still working on getting an appointment to take petition. Would like to get a lot more signatures from the US so they will take it seriously. Please continue to share and have all your family members sign. Thank you so much!
Atualização #310 anos atrás
Still no answer from either Senator Marco Rubio or Senator Bill Nelson. We gave up on Senator Rubio based on the fact that he has no stance on animal rights and he never responded to the letter I sent to his office. Senator Bill Nelson's office said they would help but to this day still nothing. Please share and sign in the US to help get a bill on the floor. Thank you!
Atualização #210 anos atrás
Happy 4th of July!Today we remember our freedom & those that made it possible. Unfortunately as a society we continue to enslave sentient beings. This must stop. Unfortunately Rep. Senator Rubio still has not acknowledged my letter mailed to him in April so I have reached out to Dem. Senator Bill Nelson for help. Those in the USA, please share this petition w/ other family members/friends to stop the captivity, breeding & use for amusement for the Orcas, dolphins etc. Thank you so much! Marissa
Atualização #110 anos atrás
I almost have 8000 signatures with no response from Senator Rubio. I have now contacted Senator Bill Nelson who's office contacted me immediately. Please if you are in the United States share this with all your friends to get signatures for the marine mammals! Thank you! Marissa
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