Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to save the Orca whales from extinction. Just recently, several Orcas were washed up on shore dead and it has scientists baffled as to what is causing these massive beings for losing their lives. We are encouraging these scientists and the Fish & Wildlife to investigate for answers so that this does not reoccur, resulting in the loss of many other Orcas and other marine life.
Recently, the body of a young Orca killer whale turned up dead on the Vancouver Island in Canada and it troubles marine mammal researchers and scientists because this is the fourth similar death of an endangered species. Two other whales died in similar situations and it is estimated that only about 77 southern resident killer whales remain in the Salish Sea where they existed.
The most recent Orca washed on shore was a young 18-year old that was carrying a full-term fetus, however researchers state that "It really tugs at the heart strings. It's a magnificent animal. Sixteen feet or so, so it's likely a juvenile. So, it's terrible and we want to figure out what the cause of death was here and how this animal died. This is even more distressing because it was a female of reproductive age. Her probability of contribution to the recovery of this population was very high, and her years of maximum importance to the population were still to come.”
Scientists believe that the Orca is one of the most contaminated marine mammals in the world and causes a great concern about losing a small population of an endangered animal like the southern killer whales. Concerns are that there is a shortage of Chinook salmon, one of the Orcas favorite foods. Vancouver Aquarium pollution researcher Peter Ross believes that it is a lack of their food, very high levels of endocrine-disrupting pollutants in these whales and possible noise disturbances in their home waters. Please support us in our efforts to end the loss of these beautiful animals the Orca through continued research and planning by signing and sharing this petition worldwide on all your media sites. The last thing we want to see is for the Orca to become extinct and on the endangered list! Please help in our mission to save the Orca.
Canadian Fish & Wildlife, Vancouver Aquarium Pollution Researcher & Scientists - It is very sad and disturbing that the bodies of several beautiful Orca whales have been washed along beach shores and are hopeful that more research is completed to determine cause of death and how to stop subsequent loss of life. We are urging you to work together in discovering why this occurred and what can be done to ensure the life, health and continued existence of the amazing Orca whale in the Salish Sea. You must develop a plan that will protect these animals and keep them from being endangered and lowering in numbers. Complete your research to success and please, SAVE THE ORCA WHALES!