Tell Magistrate DOG ABUSER, Blair Kenneth VERCOE, deserves jail!! URGENT

  • por: Vikki Drew
  • destinatário: Southport Magistrates Court, Queensland, Australia & Police Prosecutions Gold Coast Police

May 18, 2016

Blair Kenneth VERCOE, 
A man from the Gold Coast suburb of Broadbeach has been charged with animal cruelty after Council security video showed him dragging, kicking and then dropping his Staffordshire Terrier 2 year-old dog onto concrete. The dog is then shown limping when Vercoe again yanks it by the collar.

Police attended the scene & when questioned by police about his behaviour, Mr Vercoe claimed he was disciplining the dog for failing to stay put.

He has since been charged with animal cruelty, an offence which carries a maximum penalty of three years in jail.

Mr Vercoe told a court today he intends to plead guilty.

His dog has since been seized.

The RSPCA fears cases of animal cruelty are on the rise in Queensland.

Five months ago another man was arrested on the Gold Coast after confessing to throwing an eight-week-old puppy then locking it in a hot car. He only received a fine of $500!!

People like this are cowards who prey on those who can't defend themselves; what else are they capable of?

VERCOE to front court again 8th June 2016 for sentencing - only a few weeks. Ask Southport Magistrates Court to send a clear message to animal abusers and sentence Blair VERCOE to serve maximum 3-year jail term.


Dear Sir or Madam

We, the undersigned, urge you to pass the maximum sentence for animal cruelty to Blair Kenneth Vercoe.

The violent abuse shown to a defensless dog by Mr Vercoe raises concerns about the safety of the community in general. 

Animal abusers are cowards and predators. Who knows what else they are capable of? Yet, they never seem to be appropriately punished.

Please send a deterrant and set a precedent by passing the maximum jail sentence to Blair Vercoe.

Yours sincerely

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