Justice For Kaylee

In early September 2013 a small, elderly dog was found wandering in a town located in Derbyshire, UK. A Rescue Shelter took her in and were horrified at the state of neglect she was in. Her coat was so matted that clumps of fur had torn away from her skin, the matted clumps had become compacted with a mixture of her own faeces and dirt which had made her skin extremely sore. She was underweight and her ribs and spine could be seen protruding under her skin. There were maggots between her toes and her overgrown claws. She was completely blind and her ears were so badly infected that she had become deaf from lack of veterinary care. Despite efforts to save her and give much needed veterinary treatment it became clear that the long time neglect had done more damage than was visible and her condition worsened. On 14th September - two weeks after being saved - 'Kaylee' the 14 year old little white West Highland Terrier dog was put to sleep to end her suffering

To date, and despite the horrors of her neglect and lack of veterinary care or help from her owner(s), who came forward to claim her as 'lost', no-one has been charged for this crime by any animal welfare or law enforcement organisation

We believe this is an injustice to Kaylee - who at such an old age had been left to suffer this wilfull neglect for a very long period of time and for the offender(s) to not face prosecution, or be given a ban from keeping animals, defies humanity. It is understood that two people have claimed to be Kaylee's owner, thereby evading prosecution. We petition that the case be fully investigated and a charge brought against one or the other offender

Animal cruelty and neglect should not be seen to go unpunished, regardless of age. We demand the
offender(s) be brought to account for Kaylee's suffering and neglect. We demand that Kaylee does not become a forgotten stastistic. We demand justice for Kaylee


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