Fire Police Officer Who Killed Girlfriend’s Puppy Because It Soiled Carpet

  • por: SUE LEE
  • destinatário: Baltimore Area Police Officials

Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get this police officer fired from his job because of killing his girlfriend’s puppy out of rage because it soiled on the carpet. If he is capable of such a heinous crime against such an innocent being, I would not feel so safe having such a person serving and protecting the community!!

While his girlfriend was at work, Baltimore Officer Taylor of Silver Springs on Castle Boulevard was home with the 7 month old Jack Russell puppy named Rocco. Many of the neighbors had recollections of him and/or the girlfriend walking through the area with little Rocco. However, this particular went very wrong.

Rocco obviously had an accident in the home; we all know that pups need structure and training. They still occasionally have accidents and soil in the home during their early lessons in life. However, when Rocco did so, Officer Taylor chased the pup until it hid in the laundry room. He proceeded to use a mop to coax it out and then choked the little guy with his bare hands until the dog was no longer breathing. He then texted his girlfriend that he did indeed kill the dog, sent her a picture on the phone of the dead animal and then tossed it into a dumpster near their home.

When she came home, the girlfriend had to devastatingly find her puppy in the dumpster and proceeded to give it a proper burial in the nearby park. As punishment, the precinct suspended this officer without pay! I cannot imagine having someone like this guy serving and protecting me, my children and pets!! He should be fired and never be allowed near another animal the rest of his life.

Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get this police officer fired from his job because of killing his girlfriend’s puppy out of rage because it soiled on the carpet. If he is capable of such a heinous crime against such an innocent being, I would not feel so safe having such a person serving and protecting the community!!


Baltimore Area Police Officials – I cannot believe that you are going to allow someone like Officer Taylor back on the streets to literally serve and protect the community. If he is capable of snapping and killing a puppy out of rage for a small accident like soiling carpet, he is so capable of doing much more. If he cannot take care of a simple, young animal, how is he going to humanely care for the public, their children and pets? I would not want someone like this lunatic in my corner; fire him and keep so far away from any and all animals in the future! He is a menace to society and a danger if he suddenly gets angered!

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