Demand Justice for 25 Starving Petting Zoo Animals

  • por: Jessica Ramos
  • destinatário: Florida's Davie Police Department

Local police and animal rights investigators were tipped about the horrible conditions of a Davie, Florida petting zoo. Approximately 25 animals --ponies, pigs, chickens, guinea pigs, rabbits and goats -- were suffering; they were malnourished with visible bones showing, dehydrated, covered in mange, standing in their own feces, forced to work and covered in mange.

The owner of these animals insists that he loves his animals and provides them with adequate care.

Despite the overwhelming animal abuse, Florida's Davie Police Department was still not clear if the owner would be cited or if the animals would be seized.

Please send a clear message to Florida's Davie Police Department demanding justice for those 25 malnourished, exploited and neglected animals by signing and sharing this petition. That abuse shouldn't be tolerated or dismissed. And this "owner" should never be able to care for these or future animals.

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