Fight To SHUTDOWN and STOP The BLM and charge them with animal cruelty.

  • por: Patrick F
  • destinatário: The Bureau of land Management

I'm starting this petition t shut down and stop BLM In catching and slaughtering our wildlife and lying to the government. BLM is messing with the circle of life. BLM gets there way what's for dinner horse so less signed this petition and stop them from their animal cruelty and slaughtering animals. It's inhumane treatment of one of most precious resources. The BLM, Fish & Wildlife along with the U.S. Forestry have violated the rights of these American Icons long enough. Stop the cruel gatherings, ripping apart of families and implement PZP as proposed back in 2013. The horses/burros should not suffer harassment or death at the very hands of the people who mis-managed them in the first place .

Atualização #57 anos atrás
Let's Keep Fighting
Atualização #47 anos atrás
All life form was put on this earth to replenish it
Atualização #37 anos atrás
‪Please sign and share this petition too.
To stop and shut down BLM #care2‬
Atualização #27 anos atrás
Bute is only one of the many drugs and medications fed routinely to horses that is listed as prohibited for human consumption by the CFIA. Although most Canadians don't eat horse meat, the meat is shipped to Europe and Asiatic continents where unsuspecting people consume it regularly.
Eating toxic horse meat is dangerous to human health.
Atualização #17 anos atrás
‪I'm raising money for SAVE AND PROTECT WILD HORSES & ETC. Click to Donate: via @gofundme‬
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