For years, stray dogs have been burned alive, poisoned, bludgened to death, and thrown away to rot with yesterday's trash. Excuses for this brutality include believing stray dogs are dangerous and will be a danger to the thousands of people who attend Euro 2012.
Evidence has shown that the majority of these dogs are in fact, not dangerous, such as in this video in which someone visiting Ukraine records some of its many strays, of which many are friendly, and none are sick or ill. Often innocent family pets are killed, poisons are planted near parks where children play, and the dogs and other animals often die nearby for all of the children to see. No animal is spared, including puppies as young as 8 weeks old and younger. Birds and other scavengers may try to feed on the poisoned dog corpses and subsequently die.
This practice is not only dangerous for those living around the area, but it also has serious sanitation problems and is very unhealthy!
We are always urging the Ukarainian government to stop this madness and cruelty, but they haven't listened because the cash keeps flowing in. Its time to hit them where it hurts.
Euro 2012 Sponsors are as follows:
By signing this petition, you are agreeing to not buy any of these products, and will also be notifying sponsors of this action. Coca-Cola products are very common in America, almost always found at all gas stations and restuaraunts, always check the bottle and/or become familiar with Coca-Cola's products. Coca-Cola doesn't just make soda, so always check and make sure you are not drinking their products.
Once we have enough signatures, we will send a PDF of this petition to the sponsors, showing them how many customers they will be losing. It will make a difference!
Dear Euro 2012 Sponsors,
I am writing on behalf of the 60,000+ dogs and animals who have been killed for this event, often in very cruel ways such as slowly dying painfully from poison, being brutally beaten to death, and burned alive, though sedated, in an incentarator.
It is common knowledge that there are far better ways to control animal populations, such as sterilization and getting the animals off the streets and into good homes. It has been said that these animals are killed due to being aggressive or sick, but a simple search on Youtube shows that the majority are not. Most are friendly and perfectly healthy. Innocent dogs and animals such as family pets are often killed along with strays. Poisons and poisoned dogs often end up near children's parks where they play, even puppies as old as 9 weeks old are shown no mercy. Dog corpses are thrown into underground chambers, and even into fields, to rot and decompose in the open. Dogs who are poisoned rot and decompose where they drop dead. All of this means that this poses a danger to all animals, not just dogs, but also to the people living around them. This practice is dangerous and has serious sanitation problems!
Due to all of the reasons given, I have made the difficult choice to not purchase any of your products until you revoke sponsorship of Euro 2012, and in doing so, I hope it will urge you to revoke sponsorship of Euro 2012, not only for me, but for the animals and the people put at risk. Thank you!
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