Texas Is Getting Hotter, but Governor Greg Abbott Just Ended Mandatory Water Breaks for Workers

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Texas state legislature
At least one construction worker has already died from the brutal heatwave that is gripping the state of Texas. And rather than increasing protections for outdoor workers, Governor Greg Abbott just banned water break protections.

This puts workers at even greater risk for heat stroke, heart attack, and numerous other severe illnesses.

Sign now to tell the Texas state legislature to protect outdoor workers and overturn this inhumane law!

Imagine working outdoors in temperatures as high as 120 degrees and not having guaranteed breaks for hydration. It's a recipe for worker abuse - and worker death. If the Texas Legislature doesn't overturn this draconian law, those legislators will have blood on their hands.

Before the ban, some local ordinances mandated giving construction workers 15 minute breaks to drink water every four hours - which is already the bare minimum. In the new bill signed by the governor, this practice is banned, and municipalities cannot even pass loopholes or similar policies.

To do this in the middle of a heatwave is cruel and unusual punishment for people simply doing their job. Water access is a basic human right - and a basic labor right - especially during brutal heat waves.

If legislators in Texas have even an ounce of humanity or compassion, they will immediately overturn this law. Sign the petition now to help protect workers in the state!
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