Grant death row inmate Gerald Marshall a new trial

Gerald Marshall (31) was convicted to death for capital murder in 2004 by the state of Texas. He claims his innocence like most death row inmates do. BUT: IN GERALD MARSHALL'S CASE IS EVIDENCE THAT HE WAS NOT THE MURDERER!

We empathize with the victim and his family. The family and friends of Chris Dean have lost a loved one. We can understand how traumatic this crime was for the relatives. We agree that crimes must be punished.

Nevertheless, according to our understanding of democracy and human rights, the death penalty is the wrong way, even if someone confesses his guilt. Much more important is that there is evidence that Gerald Marshall was not the murderer. His conviction was based solely on circumstantial evidence and false statements. A number of procedural errors were made. For these reasons, Mr. Marshall deserves a fair trial with qualified attorneys and investigators.


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