Stop Killing the Seals (in Canada) and Dolphins (in Japan)

I am an educationist (see website ) and I am appaled with Man's greed and cruelty these days. Such human beastality saddens me greatly and needs to be put to a definite halt. Like-minded activist, please work hard and spread the news that all forms of animal cruelty needs to be curtailed once and for all. There are always alternatives and I urge all parties concerned to study this. We should respect nature otherwise we are simply digging our own graves. Wise up and revere nature today and don't be blinded by greed or the bottomline.

Dear Netizens and Animal Lovers out there,

Please help to spread this message that we have reached a stage where man's actions or inactions have proved disasterous!. This inhumane act is unimaginable and unacceptable to say the least. Be one voice and raise this burning issue before we start exterminating our very own race. We can do our part no matter how small.
Do visit my site of FB here.
Thank you
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