• por: Kay Smith
  • destinatário: Legislative Assembly of Ontario; Province of Ontario; Justin Trudeau

In Ontario, there is only so much we can do to help Pitbulls in need, such as the ones from the alleged dog-fighting ring discovered in Chatham-Kent, ON considering the ban on these animals in our Province. I have a petition going to demand the courts make a decision NOT to euthanize these dogs, but the question is, will they listen? Will they look into their hearts and see these dogs as the true kindred spirits they are? Or will they see a viscious attack dog that should be destroyed?

Please help me lift the ban on Pitbulls in Ontario by signing and sharing this petition. The dogs involved in the fighting-ring are still in care of the OSPCA, but we cannot determine how much longer they have before the courts make a final decision.

Together we can make a difference - we can change the reputation of the Pitbull breed and prove to the courts that these dogs are just like any other breed - loving, loyal companions. Why ban one breed just because of the bad name that HUMANS have given these animals. Do not fault the dogs. 


Please see my other petition here:

Atualização #29 anos atrás
In order to house the 21 dogs, Dog Tales Sanctuary must receive designation from the provincial or municipal government. You can help by emailing your local MPP or Minister Yasir Naqvi (Ministry of Community Safety & Correctional Services) at Minister Naqvi has the authority to make Dog Tales a "designated facility" where the dogs can be housed under 6(d) and 9(5) of the Dog Owner's Liability Act. Let's keep working together for the well-being of these dogs.
Atualização #19 anos atrás
Let's keep this petition circulating! Thank you so much for everyone involved with the support to end the breed-specific ban in Ontario.
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