Demand Better Care for the animals of Orange County Florida 2PM TUESDAY

  • por: Lisa Blanck
  • destinatário: Robert Ridgway, Veterinarian in Charge

Dr. Robert Ridgway is now the veterinarian at Orange County Animal Services (OCAS)   He used to be part of COVANCE, an organization that experimented on animals.  His application for the position was turned down in 2009; somehow he managed to recently get hired again by OCAS.  His attitude toward the public and the animals he deals with is evidenced in this letter, written by him, to a resident asking why a particular animal was euthanized:

From: Ridgway, Robert

Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 6:53 AM

Cc: Villella, Debra; Bruce, Donald E; Luther, Dil; Register, Sandy

Subject: RE: The euthanizing of Animals 

I was just going to delete your email but thought what the heck I will respond to you.

Thank you so much for your email.  Orange County Animal services adopts about 300 animals a month and I personally see about 300 animals every two weeks that are sick, injure and other medleys. In addition I do about 150 surgeries a week. My hands are so sore from doing surgery I can hardly pull the power core out of my cell phone in the mornings.  Oh stupid me  I still do it   I retired from OCAS and you ask why I came back to work where there is no mercy and the work loads are very heavy and horrendous.  It was not until I got your email that I realized why I came back to OCAS.  Besides being stupid,  I wanted to get dumb emails from people like you that make my day.  Emails like yours are so stimulating it makes hard working people want to butter up to you to make you happy —believe me they will.

However, I have to congratulate you on your level of intelligence.  I personally have to examine animals and obtain as much information before I can have a direction of the needs for the animals to enable a decision to be made.  You know more about the animals without ever seeing them and from a distance then people who work around them every day, in and day out. You have super natural ability that is uncommon among mankind you are a very gifted person indeed.

Do to your super natural knowledge I suggest that you attempt to go to veterinary college and when you graduate, if you can, you come take my job.   I would love to hand it over to you so you can get this kind of email from people smarter than you.  You know the kind they know everything but know nothing.


Dr Ridgway

I'm totally disgusted by the stories i've been reading this week about Ridgway's  ongoing malpractice at OCAS.   A dog comes in with a broken hip.  Ridgway says it's not broken.  Two days later he says the left is broken.  Then he says it's the right.  If you can't tell the left from the right, should you be touching an animal?  If his hands hurt so much he shouldn't be operating.  His shaky hands might slip and cut off something else instead. He should go right back into the retirement he so obviously craves. He hates dealing with the public as evidenced by his letter. 

If you are in agreement, please sign this petition and have him removed from his position, along with the people who hired him, knowing his attitude and background, including Dil Luther and Debra Villella.    There is a meeting on Tuesday at the Orange County Commissioners meeting at 2PM.  We'd like to get as many signatures by then as possible.  The animals are counting on YOU!

Dr. Robert Ridgway is now the veterinarian at Orange County Animal Services (OCAS).  We are asking that you help the residents of Orange County remove him from his position.  He used to be part of COVANCE, an organization that experimented on animals.  His application for the position was turned down in 2009; somehow he managed to recently get hired again by OCAS.

His attitude toward the public and the animals he deals with is evidenced in this letter, written by him, to a resident asking why a particular animal was euthanized, after an adoption application for the animal had been filed with OCAS.

From: Ridgway, Robert
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 6:53 AM

Cc: Villella, Debra; Bruce, Donald E; Luther, Dil; Register, Sandy

Subject: RE: The euthanizing of Animals 

I was just going to delete your email but thought what the heck I will respond to you.

Thank you so much for your email.  Orange County Animal services adopts about 300 animals a month and I personally see about 300 animals every two weeks that are sick, injure and other medleys. In addition I do about 150 surgeries a week. My hands are so sore from doing surgery I can hardly pull the power core out of my cell phone in the mornings.  Oh stupid me  I still do it   I retired from OCAS and you ask why I came back to work where there is no mercy and the work loads are very heavy and horrendous.  It was not until I got your email that I realized why I came back to OCAS.  Besides being stupid,  I wanted to get dumb emails from people like you that make my day.  Emails like yours are so stimulating it makes hard working people want to butter up to you to make you happy —believe me they will.

However, I have to congratulate you on your level of intelligence.  I personally have to examine animals and obtain as much information before I can have a direction of the needs for the animals to enable a decision to be made.  You know more about the animals without ever seeing them and from a distance then people who work around them every day, in and day out. You have super natural ability that is uncommon among mankind you are a very gifted person indeed.

Do to your super natural knowledge I suggest that you attempt to go to veterinary college and when you graduate, if you can, you come take my job.   I would love to hand it over to you so you can get this kind of email from people smarter than you.  You know the kind they know everything but know nothing.


Dr Ridgway

I'm totally disgusted by the stories i've been reading this week about Ridgway's  ongoing malpractice at OCAS.   A dog comes in with a broken hip.  Ridgway says it's not broken.  Two days later he says the left is broken.  Then he says it's the right.  If you can't tell the left from the right, should you be touching an animal?  If his hands hurt so much he shouldn't be operating.  His shaky hands might slip and cut off something else instead. He should go right back into the retirement he so obviously craves. He hates dealing with the public as evidenced by his letter. 

If you are in agreement, please sign this petition and have him removed from his position, along with the people who hired him, knowing his attitude and background, including Dil Luther and Debra Villella.    There is a meeting on Tuesday at the Orange County Commissioners meeting at 2PM.  We'd like to get as many signatures by then as possible.  The animals are counting on YOU!

Atualização #211 anos atrás
Dr. Ridgeway's last day is 2/28/14. thank you ALL for signing!!
Atualização #111 anos atrás
Uh OH !!! The Orange County Commission and the Mayor have decided to take a different route - they told us that Ridgway was GONE and now they're saying they never said that. Dr. Ralls said as soon as they brought in and trained a new vet that Ridgway would be gone. It's been a month he's still there!!! If you want to protest, here are their email addresses:,, They think we're not paying attention. Show them they are DEAD WRONG.
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