Stop Ariel Shooting Camels in Australia

Up to 50,000 unwanted feral camels in Australia are targeted to be gunned down using helicopters; 8000 have already been killed.

Ariel hunting often leads to cruel, slow, agonizing deaths as animals are only wounded or maimed and young animals die of starvation and dehydration.

We urge Australia find more humane methods of population control and stop ariel hunting.

Jan Ferguson
Managing Director
Ninti One Limited

Up to 50,000 unwanted feral camels in Australia are targeted to be gunned down using helicopters; 8000 have already been killed.

Ariel hunting often leads to cruel, slow, agonizing deaths as animals are only wounded or maimed and young animals die of starvation and dehydration.

We urge Australia find more humane methods of population control and stop ariel hunting.

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