Petition For Schlumberger Incorporated's Divestment From Sudan



(1) The government of Sudan has engaged in a policy of genocide against its own non-Arab population in Darfur through use of its military and through sponsorship of attacks by armed militias known as the janjaweed;

(2) The Sudanese government is responsible for the death of 400,000 Darfurians and displacement of 2.5 million more1;

(3) The U.S. State Department and both chambers of Congress have declared that the Sudanese regime of dictator Omar al-Bashir is committing genocide2;

(4) Certain international companies, by conducting business operations in Sudan, bring direct foreign investment dollars to Khartoum and provide both moral and political cover to the Sudanese regime;

(5) Khartoum has funneled large portions of direct foreign investment into military expenditures used to perpetuate the genocide while neglecting needed development projects in the Darfur region3;

(6) The government of Sudan has a history of remedying egregious behavior in response to economic pressure4;

(7) The policy and practice of genocide is abhorrent to the moral and political values of the members of Texas;

We, the undersigned, request that the Schlumberger Corporation divest from offending companies doing business with the genocidal government in Sudan immediately.

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