Please Help Tim
Tim is a Belgian gelding who is severely underweight. The owners were found guilty but allowed to keep Tim pending appeal. Tim is alive today because people have been illegally feeding him for months. Please ask the District Attorney to fight for Tim's surrender so he can get the food and vet care he needs. His pasture mate lay in the field for 3 days before the police made the owners call a vet to euthanize him. Please do not let Tim experience the same fate. Demand that he be surrendered to the Humane Society of Greene County Pennsylvania. For photos and more information visit
The 1.034 individuals who have signed the attached petition are respectfully requesting that you remove Tim from the Culps and hand him over immediately to the Greene County Humane Society. The undersigners, like the legislators who enacted the laws against animal abuse, all agree that animal abuse is a serious crime and that the abusers should not be allowed to retain possession of those they abuse. Ghandi argued " THAT THE MORAL DEVELOPMENT OF A NATION CAN BE JUDGED BY THE WAY IT TREAT ITS ANIMALS." Please step up to the plate and speak up for Tim whose fate is contingent on your actions. Please do not let Tim down. You have the power and authority to save him. Please do so.
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